Thursday, November 1, 2007

Essay 3 Outline

Intro Para.
In Panhandling for Reparations, Ayo tried unabashed to bring to light the tragedies that once tormented black society. Yet the only things this piece of art achieved were creating more tension between whites and people of color and portraying blacks negatively.

Para. 1
Topic sentence-
By pretending to be a bum on the street and begging white people for reparations, Ayo attempted to make today's white society aware of the atrocities black people faced during slavery.

Para. 2
Topic sentence- By looking at the reactions of most of the white people in the movie, the act of panhandling for reparations only brought about more tension between the two races.

Para. 3
Topic sentence- With many prominent black people in society today, Ayo would have been much more successful at conveying her message if she were to appear well dressed and dignified as opposed to appearing as a bum.

Para 4.
Topic sentence- Ayo's issue of reparations for slavery is quite outdated considering slavery was done away with more than three generations ago.

2nd Thesis- Damali Ayo's Panhandling for Reparations was unsuccessful at conveying the message she intended to preach. Instead, it was a prime example of socially stepping backwards because it created more angst between people of color and whites while doing nothing to further black society as a whole.

"The liberal left is characterized as dangerously radical and oppressively dogmatic, either too sentimental and idealistic, thus irrational, or too corrupt and unreliable to offer any satisfactory solutions to deal with many of today's social problems," (Kwon 114).

"The motive behind avant-garde rhetoric of shock and disruption is complex: to make the viewer more sensitive and receptive to the natural world, other beings, and other forms of existence," (Kester 27).

"It was panhandling, it was performance art, and it was a political statement about the legacy of slavery and reparations for black people," (Associated Press).

"However, many artists are using performance art to create a broader dialogue and bring more attention to social issues. It is an attempt to disrupt the monopolies on "legitimate" discussions and where they can take place," (Wiretap Magazine).

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