Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Essay 3

My topic for Essay 3 will be Damali Ayo's "Panhandling for Reparation."

1. How does this piece of art further African Americans in today's society?

2. Why is Damali dressed as a bum?


1. Black Performance [Special issue]. Theatre Journal v. 57 no. 4 (December 2005) p. VIII-XVI, 571-714

2. Wiretap magazine, Kameelah Rasheed, October 3, 2007 "Panhandling for Reparations"

3. Associated press, Oct 11, 2007, "Group Panhandles for Slavery Reparations"

4. Seattle times, July 25, 2005, Florangela Davila, "Outspoken artist, author wants to make us think deeply about race"

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